Jangkitan Telinga : Otitis Media?

Korang pernh dgr tak penyakit ni..


bahasa mudahnya Telinga terkena jangkitan..

Ala yang telinga berair n kuar cecair kuning cam nanah tu..

Terjadi kat Airis sekarang ni...mi pun xtau apa puncanya...google punya google jumpa la 1 artikel pasal jangkitan ni..maybe sebab selesema berpanjangan agaknya..so dah terjangkit kat telinga Airis plak...patut la meraung sakan budak tecik ni kelmarin pukul 3 pagi...igtkan kembung ke apa...cian anak mami...sakit telinga rupanya...siang tu baru perasan lendir kekuningan tu kuar dari telinga kiri Airis..

Sumber : Otitis Media

Ear infections usually start with a cold. Although adults can get ear infections, they are most common in infants and young children. That's because a child's Eustachian tubes are narrower and shorter than an adults', and it's easier for fluid to get trapped in the middle ear. In fact, 75% of all children get ear infections. They happen most often between the ages of 6 - 11 months. By age 1, 60% of children will have had at least one ear infection and 17% will have 3 or more.

Signs and Symptoms:

There are two main types of ear infections

  1. acute otitis media (AOM), 

  2. otitis media with effusion (OME), where fluid remains trapped in the ear even after the infection is gone.

Acute otitis media causes pain, fever, and difficulty in hearing. If a child is too young to talk, signs of an ear infection can include crying, irritability, trouble sleeping, and pulling on the ears.

Other symptoms that may be associated with an ear infection include sore throat (pharyngitis), neck pain, nasal congestion and discharge (rhinitis), headache, and ringing (tinnitus), buzzing, or other noise in the ear.


Tapi nasib baik Airis xde demam n aktif cam biasa je...cuma malam sabtu ari2 je dia meraung kul3 pagi sebab sakit agaknya....dan budak tecik ni xde plak merengek ke apa...cam biasa je dia...memang tahan sakit betul dia ni...


Ear infections happen when the Eustachian tubes are blocked. Blockages can be caused by:
  • A respiratory infection, such as cold or flu (mungkin ni punca Airis kena)

  • Allergies

  • Exposure to cigarette smoke

  • Infected or overgrown adenoids (tonsils)

  • For infants, being fed lying down (drinking a bottle while lying on the back) (ni pun mungkin jugak sebabnya coz mi susukan Airis sambil baring bila malam)

Preventive Care:

You can reduce your child's risk of ear infection. Here are some tips:
  • Don't expose your child to secondhand smoke.

  • Keep your child away from other children who are sick.

  • Always hold your infant in an upright, seated position during bottle feeding.

  • Breastfeeding for at least 6 months can make a child less prone to ear infections.

  • Don't use a pacifier.


    The pneumococcal vaccine (Prevnar) prevents infections such as pneumonia and meningitis, and studies show it slightly reduces the risk of ear infections

    So memang mi kena ubah posisi menyusukan Airis pasni...erkkk...klu malam2 tu cam susah je nak bangun duduk susukan Airis...hohoho....Kalau pasal puting tu plak Alhamdulillah Airis memang tak hisap puting n fully breastfeeding dan jugak xde perokok dalam rumah mi...cuma yang vaksin pneumococcal tu je ktrg x bagi dekat Airis sebab lambat dapat tau info pasal ni...Airis dah 6 bulan baru tau vaksin ni boleh kurangkan jangkitan....so macam dah terlewat coz vaksin ni kena amek 4kali  bermula umur 2,4,6,12 atau 15 bulan....Insyaallah next time utk adik Airis kena amek vaksin ni...huhu

    Semalam dah bawak Airis p Klinik Pakar An-Nur kat Bangi tu n doc minta refer Pakar E&T arini utk cuci telinga Airis...harap2 proeses mencuci tu tak menyakitkan Airis...mami yang nebes lebih ni...huhu
p/s: mi malas nak translate..tu yang jadi bahasa rojak ni...korang faham kan...ngeee

2 ulasan:

Kakzakie Purvit berkata...

Harap tak berterusan anis dan sembuhlah cepat. Kalau kita pun agaknya akan merasa sakit apa lagi dia masih kecik..

Unknown berkata...

alhamdulillah kak lps jumpa pakar n scan dlm telinga sumenya ok..doc ckp maybe sbb selesema lama sgt so dh effect ke telinga..

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